What are Job Opportunities for ADN and BSN Nurses?

In the USA, registered nurses who hold a BSN usually get accepted for the job faster and easier, than nurses who have an Associate’s degree.

The reason behind this is that healthcare facilities prefer to hire nurses with nurser education.

But, ADN-prepared nurses are also fully qualified to work in all healthcare facilities, unless the employer isn’t strictly requested the BSN degree for the position.

The experience showed that healthcare facilities now hire ADN nurses, but require them to finish the BSN program after employment, usually after five years.

It is convenient that these facilities often support the nurses financially and cover the costs of the BSN programs.

Larger healthcare facilities and teaching hospitals, facilities focused on clinical research sometime hire only nurses with BSN.

It is why BSN-prepared nurses can find jobs easier and get hired faster than those ADN-prepared.

In general, hospitals will hire a BSN nurse rather than an ADN nurse for the same position and with the same experience level.

ADN-prepared nurses are welcome in hospitals that have a shortage of RNs, and where the education level isn’t set, for now.

As there is a growing demand for BSN nurse, deciding to complete a BSN program at any time is a wise decision which will improve your job opportunities and salary.

Where can a BSN-prepared Nurse Work?

There are several fields in which healthcare facilities hire only nurses with BSN.

Those are nursing education, quality control, infection control, case management, etc.

Additionally, only nurses with BSN can work in healthcare informatics, charge nursing, and as assistant managers.

However, for entry-positions ADN and BSN-prepared nurses share a list of appropriate positions.

Currently, it is true for most of the USA states, but in the future, a primate may be given to BSN nurses.

Also, nurses who agree to complete a BSN program after several years of employment with be accepted rather than ADN nurses who refuse to do it.

Nurses who further take additional and terminal degrees such as a Master’s degree in Nursing (MSN) or Doctorate in Nursing Practice can work on the positions of a Nurse practitioner, Certified Nurse Anesthetist (CNRA), Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN), and Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS).

The position further depends on the specialty track a nurse chose during the education.

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