Bedside nursing isn’t the only nursing field and career option for aspiring healthcare workers.
Any setting which gathers people requires nurses, and it isn’t different on the high seas!
Yacht nursing isn’t much known specialty, but it an interesting, dynamic, and rewarding career.
Yacht nurses travel around the world, from South Pacific to Hawaii and to the Caribbean.
Their duties include performing first aid tasks, medication administration, and handling emergency care.
Yacht nurses are trained to assess situation and triage, but also to educate passengers on all medical issues.
Sometimes medical emergencies can happen, and the boat or helicopter rescue isn’t available.
In those situations, a nurse must be able to manage a patient until help arrives.
Yacht nurses provide medical care and can assist with other tasks.
A nurse might be asked to help with service and maintenance.
Assisting the other crew is part of the job.
A nurse doesn’t have to provide medical care and monitor patients all the time, so there she performs other tasks and assists the crew.
Also, if evacuation happens, a yacht nurse assists the patients to get in lifeboats or other vessels.
Yacht nurses are part of the crew and considered as yacht staff.
Very often, it means that a yacht nurse needs to share a small living place with other members of the crew.
Also, yacht nurses’ duties go beyond standard nursing activities.
However, there are plenty of benefits to being a yacht nurse.
Those include the ability to travel and experience new places, meeting new people, and gaining more individuality while practising.
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